Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Good Night

Good night, my tiny golden sun.

The stars above wrap you in a blanket of their twinkles,
The night breeze sings sweet lullabies for you.

Sleep tight my tiny golden sun,
let sweet dreams accompany you in your slumber
until you wake up in the morning and decorate this world with your cheerful smiles once again :)

Good Morning

Good morning my tiny golden sun.

Raise and shine,
The world awaits the beautiful arc of your smile :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Kangen itu ga selalu harus galau.
Kangen bisa juga berarti bersemangat menunggu saat kita ketemu lagi.
Aku kangen kamu ^_^

Kangen pengen ketemu, ada begitu banyak yg pengen ku omongin ke kamu.
Tapi begitu ketemu, aku ngabisin waktu dengan diam ngeliatin kamu.
karena kadang, memandangmu lebih penting dari segala yg mau ku omongin.
karena kadang, tatapan mata jauh lebih berarti dari kata-kata.

Beneran, aku kangen kamu ^_^

Friday, March 15, 2013

Blog Revived ^_^

It's been a long time ^_^

I'm reviving this blog, first I will take my posts from other places and post it here, and later I will try to write regularl :)

Monday, August 02, 2004


Have you ever seen extreme beauty ?
The one that makes you want to write thousands verses,
The one that makes the stars a little bit paler in comparison,
The one that makes you feel that all your prides and glories are meaningless compared to her existence,
The one that makes you feel lucky to know that such thing do exists in this otherwise miserable world, even if you can't have her.

Ofcourse, if you stare at her long enough, you'll notice imperfections in her.
But that only serve to enhance her beauty even more, like darkness of night enhances the moonlight.